Awards & distinctions
José-Alain Sahel, winner of the Wolf Prize for Medicine 2024
GEAR: a major multi-partner synergy in gene therapy
Identification of the UBAP1L gene as associated with retinal diseases
AI to streamline outcomes from directed evolution screens
Diabetes, look after your eyes!
Season 1 on myopia and high myopia

Institut de la Vision One of the world's leading research center for vision diseases

The Institut de la Vision tackles both major public health issues in ophthalmology and rarer diseases to bring hope to all those affected by visual impairment. It brings together researchers, doctors, patients and partners to accelerate scientific research into innovative new treatments for the visually impaired.

Discover the Institute

Our patient-focused research strategy

Understanding vision

We analyse all the mechanisms that enable us to see.

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Preventing blindness

We develop strategies to preserve vision.

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Restoring vision

We open up new therapeutic pathways to restore vision.

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Evaluating the benefit

We verify the benefit of our innovations with patients.

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The Institute in figures

State-of-the-art technology platforms
Partner countries in 2023
Research projects (ongoing)
Active patent families
Employees 158 women 140 men



Fighting eye pain, a unique research project in France

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"We are working to identify the anatomical pathways involved in chronic eye pain, as well as neuroinflammatory mechanisms, with the goal of discovering new therapeutic targets to provide relief to patients." Annabelle Réaux-Le Goazigo, Inserm Research Fellow at the Institut de la Vision.

Read the article
Augustin and Hermine Leray
Regular donors

Reasons to give to the Institut de la Vision

«We are delighted to be able to support the Institut de la Vision. It's an immense hope for many patients to see the birth of new treatments from which they may one day benefit. Thank you to the Institute for the invaluable work it carries out on a daily basis!»

why support us?


Thanks to all of them for their support!

Sorbonne université
15 - 20 Hôpital de la vision Paris
European Research Council
Euro Nano Med 3
Innovative Medevines initiative
Union Européenne
Caixa Bank
Foundation Fighting Blindness
National Institutes of Health
Fédération des aveugles de France
Fondation Recherche Médicale
Fondation Maladies Rares
Région île de France
Investir l'avenir
Retina France
Union Nationale des Aveugles et Déficients Visuels
AFM Téléthon
Agence nationale de la recherche
Ville de Paris
Institut Carnot
France 2030