Located at the heart of the Institut de la Vision, Streetlab is a company dedicated to improving the autonomy, mobility, and quality of life for people with visual impairments and seniors.

Working towards greater everyday independence
Streetlab studies the performance of visually impaired patients in everyday tasks in order to evaluate innovative solutions and their therapeutic benefits.
The company provides its expertise to:
- Contribute to the applied research of the Institut de la Vision in the field of visual impairment
- Design innovative solutions by defining the needs of visually impaired people
- Evaluate products and services designed to improve the autonomy of visually impaired people
Cutting-edge platforms
Streetlab has cutting-edge platforms for studying and monitoring patients in virtual, artificial or real conditions that are reproducible and controlled.
The driving simulator
immerses the participant in a realistic and controlled experimental environment.

The artificial street
simulates an urban environment for applied and fundamental research projects.

The virtual reality room
offers immersion in tasks inspired by everyday life, in complete safety, while controlling visual parameters and measuring performance.

The low vision room
allows for the realization of visual assessments and the evaluation of visual function.

A spin-off of the Institut de la Vision
Created in 2011, Streetlab was born from the association of the Institut de la Vision, the Caisse des Dépôts, Sorbonne University, the Fédération des Aveugles et Ambyopes de France and the USSIF with the support of the City of Paris, the Ile-de-France Region and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
For more information: Streetlab vision