They support us

Several companies and organizations (foundations, endowments, associations) support our research aimed at developing therapeutic innovations that will bring a better quality of life to visually impaired and blind people. We sincerely thank them for their support and trust.

Our sponsors

Optic 2000
Founded in 1969, Optic 2000 is a network of 1,200 stores throughout France, staffed by qualified opticians. An expert in visual health, the company places particular importance on caring for the visually impaired. To meet this commitment, which is part of its CSR strategy, Optic 2000 actively supports research. It has been a patron of the Institut de la Vision since 2009, contributing to innovative projects to improve the quality of life of these people.
Go to Optic 2000 website

UNIM, the National Union for the Interests of Medicine, has chosen to support the research work of Serge Picaud, director of the Vision Institute on gene therapy.
Go to UNIM website

La Fondation Dalloz - Institut de France
The Dalloz Foundation aims to help, through competitions, subsidies or scholarships, researchers, research teams, laboratories working in the field of ophthalmology, mainly in France or Europe.
Go Fondation Dalloz website

Fondation Obélisque
The Obélisque Foundation aims to ensure that the concern for generosity lasts over time and to support projects within the framework of interventions that can take various forms.
Go to Fondation Obélisque website is the 1st site for delivering solidarity flowers.
Go website

Logo Association Cannes Blanches
Association les Cannes Blanches
This association aims to help the visually impaired through various actions: financing the education of guide dogs, computer training, assistance in everyday life, leisure and culture. Our association financially supports a project on the optic nerve led by Dr. Chédotal at the Institut de la Vision.
Go to Association les Cannes Blanches website

Logo SOS Rétinite France
SOS Rétinite France
SOS Rétinite France is an association dedicated to fighting blindness. It is committed to funding research, facilitating communication between the medical profession and combating patient isolation.
Go to SOS Rétinite France website

Association Pour Les Beaux Yeux d'Emma
Association Pour Les Beaux Yeux d'Emma is a French non-profit organization founded in 2007. The association raises funds to advance research into Leber's congenital amaurosis, and to finance and promote scientific research, in order to find treatments and eventually a cure for retinal dystrophies.
Go to Pour les Beaux Yeux d'Emma website


Le logo de Candle In the Dark est une œil bleu stylisé
Candle in the dark
“Our association funds scientific research to help develop treatments for blindness and visual impairment. When we visited the Institut de la Vision, we were very impressed by the commitment of the entire team. On the one hand, there's the scientific quality of the research, and on the other, the Institute's position on the world research stage. We have the utmost confidence in the quality, scientific level and competence of the entire Institut de la Vision team.”
Go to Candle in the Dark website

Logo FAF
Fédération des aveugles de France
The Fédération des Aveugles et Amblyopes de France brings together activists, users, professionals and volunteers committed to greater social and economic inclusion of the visually impaired. The association supports leading research centers. In 2007, it took part in the creation of the “VOIR ET ENTENDRE” Foundation.
Go to Fédération des aveugles de France website

Information Recherche Rétinite Pigmentaire
For 40 years, the IRRP (Information Recherche Rétinite Pigmentaire) association has been providing information and support to visually impaired patients and their families. Thanks to numerous grassroots initiatives, it provides financial support for medical research programs into progressive retinal pathologies.
The IRRP is committed to the Institute's unwavering commitment to overcoming blindness, and to the search for innovative therapies.
Go to IRRP website

LOGO de la Fondation des Aveugles de Guerre

La Fondation des Aveugles de Guerre (The War Blind Foundation)
Recognized as a Public Utility since January 21, 2011, the Foundation:
- Provides help and assistance to military or civilian blind individuals who lost their sight due to past or future conflicts, terrorist attacks, or missions carried out on behalf of the State in France or abroad, as well as to their families;
- Awards scholarships for research aimed at enhancing prevention, improving treatments, and reducing the consequences of visual impairments;
- Provides financial support to projects led by institutions working in the areas of reception, support, reintegration, and care for individuals with visual disabilities.


The Roland BAILLY Foundation 
The Roland BAILLY Foundation was set up in 2007 to 
support medical research. It has selected vision as a priority area, given the results observed at the Institut de la Vision in particular, and has provided regular funding to the institute since 2009.

Our former sponsors

La Fondation LCL • Fondation EDF • Carrefour • E. Leclerc • CCAH • LVMH • Meilleures assurances • Entrepreuneurs & Go • Humanis • Fonds Handicap & Société • Malakoff Médéric • Agriga • Ircem • AG2R La Mondiale • Klesia • La Bred • Quovadis • ALTEN