Post-doc Position in visual system neuroscience and high density recording throughout large animal brains
Pieter Roelfsema's group at the Institut de la Vision (IDV) in Paris is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to investigate the function and organization of the visual brain using ultra-high-channel-count neural interfaces in the macaque brain. This project aims to make significant contributions to visual neuroscience and advance the development of devices that enable large scale, high-density recording and stimulation across the brain.
Understanding visual processing and the link between vision and action
The postdoctoral researcher will use ultra-high-channel-count electrode arrays to record neural activity from cortical and subcortical brain regions of macaque monkeys during behavior. We will develop a flexible high-channel-count electrode array in collaboration with a partner lab to measure neuronal responses to visual stimuli, and relate the activity to attention and working memory, throughout the brain. We also aim to test the effects of electrical brain stimulation and examine how their effects spread through the networks of the brain, offering new insights into the neural mechanisms of visuomotor and conscious perception (e.g. van Vugt et al., Science, 2018). This project is linked to the labs of Pieter Roelfsema at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience in Amsterdam and Serge Picaud at the Institut de la Vision in Paris. This is a fully funded position with possibility to acquire additional personal grants.
Skills required
Analysis of large data sets
Strong coding skills
The candidate should be proficient in written and oral English and have experience with writing scientific texts
Personal skills will be emphasized. The candidate should be able to work independently and interactively in a team setting, be motivated and responsible, and have a great work capacity and enthusiasm for research.
Education and experience
- PhD in Neuroscience, Biology, Engineering or equivalent relevant background
- Hands-on experience in new electrophysiology techniques (Neuropixels, etc)
- Experience in other brain recording techniques (electrophysiology, EEG, fMRI, fUS, …)
- Surgery and chronic implant management experience
- Experience in measuring of neuronal activity in living brain tissue (electrophysiology or microscopy)
- Experience in training animals on behavioral tasks
Specific working conditions
Please send your CV and motivation letter directly to:
How to apply
To apply for this vacancy, please complete this form and attach your cover letter and curriculum vitae in .pdf format. We will get back to you as soon as possible.