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Imaging Facility

The Imaging Facility of the Institut de la Vision offers a wide range of biological imaging solutions for life science research.

Alain Chédotal Scientific supervisor
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Stéphane Fouquet
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The optical microscopes and expertise in image analysis provided by the platform are made available to academic and industrial researchers on a user-cost basis. The platform staff is available to train, advise, and collaborate with researchers.

After practical training and agreement on usage rules, the Imaging Facility of the Institut de la Vision provides access to sophisticated optical microscopes and image analysis stations. It concurrently assists and supports researchers from experiment design to data acquisition, analysis, and presentation.


The Imaging Facility of the Institut de la Vision specializes in the following areas of expertise:

  • Wide-field, confocal, and live optical microscopy
  • Image analysis, ImageJ, Imaris
  • Configuration, calibration, and troubleshooting of microscopy and imaging instruments
  • Cell biology through tissue and cell preparation, immunostaining


The Imaging Facility of the Institut de la Vision is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, the specifics of which can be obtained upon request by filling out the contact form located at the end of this page.

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