Make your IFI donation a powerful lever for research
Income Tax and IFI 2024
For the 2023 income tax return on www.Impots.gouv.fr, the deadline for filing depends on your place of residence. The schedule is the same regardless of how you file: on a computer, tablet or via the Impots.gouv.fr mobile app. For filing with the paper tax return (form 2042), the deadline is May 21st, 2024, 11.59 p.m.
Donations to foundations are maintained in the same proportions as for IFI 2023, i.e. 75% of the amount of your donation to the Institut de la Vision will be deductible from this tax up to a limit of 50,000 euros.
A donation of €4,000 will therefore actually cost you €1,000 after tax deduction.
IFI 2024 declaration deadlines:
The deadlines for declaring your Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (IFI) are now the same as those for your Impôt sur le Revenu (IRPP). The due date for payment of IFI, as for Income Tax, varies depending on the payment method.
Important: IFI declarations are made at the same time as online income tax returns using the annex No. 2042-IFI declaration. You have until the declaration deadline to make your donation. It is the date of receipt of the donation that is taken into account.
The online declaration service will be accessible on Thursday, April 11th, 2024. You will have until the following dates to finalize or modify your declaration on the website https://www.impots.gouv.fr/international_en
The IFI 2024 declaration schedule on the internet is as follows:
Zone 1, departments n° 1 (Ain) to 19 (Corrèze), non-residents and Monaco: Thursday, May 23rd, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
Zone 2, departments n°2A to 54 (Corse and Meurthe et Moselle included): Thursday, June 30th, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
Zone 3, departments n°55 (Meuse) to 95 (val d'Oise, 971 to 976 (DOM): Thursday, June 6th, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
How to make your donation
You can already support the Institut de la Vision by:
- Sending a donation check accompanied by our form to the following address:
Fondation Voir & Entendre
Institut de la Vision - Service donateurs
17 rue Moreau - 75012 Paris – France
Making an online donation by credit card on our secure platform
Your donation will be processed by the Institut de la Vision and its foundation, which will send you a tax receipt within 24 hours of receipt of the donation. It is the date of receipt (check or credit card payment) of the donation by that is taken into account.
Who is taxable?
Any individual is subject to IFI if the net value of their real estate assets exceeds €1.3 million. This includes all real estate property and rights held directly and indirectly as of January 1, 2024.
The IFI scale is identical to that of the Impôt de Solidarité sur le Fortune (ISF), on 6 progressive tranches, defined according to the net taxable value of the real estate assets:
Tranche | Base | Taux |
1st tranche | Not exceeding €800,000 | Exempt |
2nd tranche | Between €800,000 and €1,300,000 | 0,50 % |
3rd tranche | Between €1,300,000 and €2,570,000 | 0,70 % |
4th tranche | Between €2,570,000 and €5,000,000 | 1,00 % |
5th tranche | Between €5,000,000 and €10,000,000 | 1,25 % |
6th tranche | Over €10,000,000 | 1,50 % |