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Cell Culture Facility

The cell culture platform at the Institute of Vision is dedicated to research on human tissues and cells.

Olivier Goureau Research director
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Valérie Fradot
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The cell culture platform at the Institute of Vision is divided into 3 L1 classrooms and 2 L2 classrooms. The rooms are equipped with standard equipment for cell culture as well as sterile plastic consumables.


The cell culture platform at the Institute of Vision specializes in the following areas of expertise:

  • Study of mechanisms of embryonic and tissue development
  • Control of stem cell differentiation into specific cells
  • Creation of tissue models for research and transplantation


  • Vertical laminar flow hoods
  • Horizontal laminar flow hoods
  • Microbiological Safety Cabinets
  • CO2 incubators
  • microscopes
  • binocular magnifiers
  • centrifuges
  • 1 vibratome

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